Sentence example with the word 'splotched'


Definition adj. marked with irregularly shaped spots or blots

Last update: August 3, 2015


Ahead of them, where the great oaks were massed darkly against the sky, he saw the steep road splotched into the surrounding blackness.   [Please select]


Months had passed when, late one night, a hard-breathing, foam-splotched, mud-covered horse was ridden into the yard and taken into the almost deserted stable.   [Please select]


Weeds waved from the crevices, and in places black moss splotched the otherwise bald stones.   [Please select]


All around the ground was splotched with rose-petals, looking in the squares of light like bloody rain.   [Please select]


In some specimens patches of whitish hair give the tail a splotched appearance.   [Please select]


He wore the uniform of a Union sergeant,--dusty and splotched and torn.   [Please select]


He was a ragged slouching creature with a splotched and bloated face half hidden by a bristling red beard.   [Please select]


I remember one night especially, when the Southern Cross was in full view and the water about the keel splotched with phosphorescence.   [Please select]


Body from dark gray or brown to rust or fawn and splotched with white; eyes dark.   [Please select]


When Joe and Ann came near enough to see that the little one's face and hair and clothes were splotched with blood, fear clutched at their hearts.   [Please select]

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splotch - splotched - splotches