Sentence example with the word 'stilled'


Last update: August 24, 2015


The air around Jenn had stilled, and she searched her gaze.   [Please select]


There had been shrieks from among the women convicts; but they had been stilled, and a hush had succeeded.   [Please select]


Even the silver of the river seemed immobile, as if its journeyings were now stilled by an afternoon spell.   [Please select]


A fierce barking of dogs was at first heard, but it stilled at his approach.   [Please select]


It was not the first time Ben Jonson's song had stilled a disreputable company.   [Please select]


At any rate the royalists had to be silenced and stilled and scared out of sight.   [Please select]


His arms and his lips had comforted her and stilled her fears, but after all he had merely made love.   [Please select]


While thee I seek, protecting Power, Be my vain wishes stilled; And may this consecrated hour With better hopes be filled.   [Please select]


The same fierce persecution that uprooted the heretical faith of the Albigenses, also stilled the song of the Troubadours (see p.)   [Please select]


The curtains fell behind her in long, straight folds; Maitland stilled their swaying with a touch, and stepped back into the room.   [Please select]


The land-breeze had already beaten down the surf, and the turmoil of the waters was in great part stilled; but the beach was strewn with sea-weeds and eel-grass, and withal presented quite a holiday appearance.   [Please select]

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stillborn - stilled - stiller