Sentence example with the word 'storing'


Last update: July 18, 2015


We'll start by taking out what's here and the warehouse where he's storing weapons.   [Please select]


Water was obtained from a convenient brook and carefully storing the remainder of the food in the knapsack he remounted the horse.   [Please select]


They make long voyages throughout a country, storing away tons of grain and food in these various granaries.   [Please select]


They looked and loved, against the winter storing each moment with sweet knowledge, honeyed assurance.   [Please select]


Crawford commenced the work of ascertaining what articles he had saved, and storing them.   [Please select]


So we begin to suspect that the habit of storing up food is not an uncommon one among the woodpeckers.   [Please select]


For five years I have been storing away money, and, at the same time, starving myself, body and soul.   [Please select]


Red-squirrel storing mushrooms for winter use _Sketched from life in the Selkirk Mountains, by E.   [Please select]


The two systems of storing and distributing the heated water most commonly used are--(1) The _tank_ system; (2) the _cylinder_ system.   [Please select]


You remember that the blue jay has the thrifty habit of storing nuts for the proverbial rainy day, and that the shrike hangs up his meat to cure on a thorn tree like a butcher.   [Please select]


Jesus says it shall be so with all those who set their minds upon storing up riches in this world, rather than laying up treasures in heaven by pleasing God and working in His service.   [Please select]

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stories - storing - stork