Sentence example with the word 'subsumed'


Last update: June 17, 2015


(pp. 57-255) contains an elaborate treatise on mathematics, "the alphabet of philosophy," maintaining that all the sciences rest ultimately on mathematics, and progress only when their facts can be subsumed under mathematical principles.   [Please select]


Failing this condition of judgement (schema), subsumption is impossible; for there is in such a case nothing given, which may be subsumed under the conception.   [Please select]


For the major always gives a conception, through which everything that is subsumed under the condition thereof is cognized according to a principle.   [Please select]


The actual judgement, which enounces the assertion of the rule in the subsumed case, is the conclusion (conclusio).   [Please select]


Geometry, like Arithmetic, has been subsumed, in recent times, under the general study of order.   [Please select]


He subsumed what occurred between his parents under the conception "violence and wrestling," and thus reached a sadistic conception of the coitus act, as often happens among children.   [Please select]


It is true that concepts of the suprasensible exist, but nothing can be known through them, there is nothing intuitively given to be subsumed under them.   [Please select]

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subsume - subsumed - subsumes