Sentence example with the word 'subtile'


acute, cagey, cute, diluted, flimsy, insubstantial, resourceful, slippery, subtle, tricky, watered-down

Last update: August 27, 2015


As the emotions of the soul prevent any subtile reasoning and reflection, so these latter actions of the mind are equally prejudicial to the former.   [Please select]


This we may confirm by a reflection, which to some will, perhaps, appear too subtile and refined.   [Please select]


But neither of them could approach Field in catching the subtile inflection of Henry Irving's "Naw."   [Please select]


These, and other more subtile questions--like the nature of angels--began to agitate the convent in the ninth century.   [Please select]


By the end of a month I could pose as an authority and recognize the subtile differences that distinguished one from another.   [Please select]


Even worldly courtiers entered with interest into the most subtile of theological controversies.   [Please select]


In her words Lacy, more subtile and more used to women, read her preference and his rejection.   [Please select]


The warm air, woven of garden-fragrances, hung round them palpable, like some infinitely subtile fabric.   [Please select]


Friendship is not philanthropy: it is a refined and subtile sentiment which binds hearts together in similar labors and experiences.   [Please select]


But again and again there came about him, with Nurse Rosemary's presence, the subtile surrounding atmosphere of a watchful love.   [Please select]


Thus it would appear that Mohammed, after his flight, accommodated his doctrines to the customs and tastes of his countrymen,--blending with the sublime truths he declared subtile and pernicious errors.   [Please select]

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subterraneous - subtile - subtilest