Sentence example with the word 'suckles'


Last update: September 5, 2015


The female carries her young for fully eleven months, and produces only one calf at a time, which she suckles for a year.   [Please select]


But the most remarkable point of difference between the whale and fishes of all kinds is, that it suckles its young.   [Please select]


And away he went down the water-spout, over the roof, and vanished among the budding honey-suckles below.   [Please select]


The whale produces generally one at a birth, which it suckles for some length of time.   [Please select]


LĂ©onard's dogs, Brague and Philax, 391--a pointer acts as a landing-net, 394--calls the attention of his master to a hare, 394--an extraordinary pointer, 395--a pointer suckles a hedgehog, 398.   [Please select]


She suckles her young for several months, and continues to protect them for some time afterward; if attacked at that time, she will defend herself and them with exceeding courage and fierceness.   [Please select]

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suckled - suckles - suckling