Sentence example with the word 'surah'


Last update: October 10, 2015


87] * * * * [Page 66] #Check# of 20 threads and 16 picks of 8-shaft Satin, " 20 " " 16 " " Taffeta, 4 " " Surah 3-1, drawn on 2 sections of 8 shafts each."   [Please select]


She was doing work in the brides' houses, and could make it clear that he would not call peau de cygne "Surah silk," nor duchess lace "Baby Irish."   [Please select]


It has a lovely wreath of embroidery round it; and it came to me the other day that it would make a charming gown, with white surah or something for the under-dress.   [Please select]

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supremo - surah - surcease