Sentence example with the word 'swarms'


Last update: June 9, 2015


The great beauty and fertility of the country, as well as the charm of its climate, undoubtedly attracted, even in early ages, successive swarms of invaders from the north, who sometimes drove out the previous occupants of the most favored districts, at others reduced them to a state of serfdom, or settled down in the midst of them, until the two races gradually coalesced.   [Please select]


The country swarms with them.   [Please select]


They chatter in swarms over the wild-cherry trees, and overload their crops with red haws, wild plums, papaws, blackberries and mandrake.   [Please select]


The fetid odours of the swamp draw insects in swarms, and fly-catchers tumble and twist in air in pursuit of them.   [Please select]


65, with head of the female, magnified) which swarms in summer in immense numbers.   [Please select]


These kinds of gnats are usually seen early in spring hovering in swarms in mid air.   [Please select]

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swarming - swarms - swart