Sentence example with the word 'taxation'


assessment, contribution, graduated taxation, indirect tax, progressive tax, supertax, tax base, tax exemption, tax withholding, tithe, withholding tax

Definition n. charge against a citizen's person or property or activity for the support of government

Last update: October 2, 2015


The government puts taxation based on income .   [Please select]


It is estimated that Sardinia pays, in local and general, direct and indirect taxation of all kinds, 23,000,000 lire (920,000), a sum corresponding to 35.44 lire per head.   [Please select]


Taxation without representation is true of your rotten boroughs as well as of your vast colonies.   [Please select]


So, altogether, as they were wholly exempt from taxation, the New England parsons did not fare ill, though Mr.   [Please select]


The government can borrow money, and it can raise money by taxation.   [Please select]


His great speeches, "On American Taxation" and "On Conciliation with America," were delivered in 1774 and 1775, preceding the Declaration of Independence.   [Please select]


Her farmers were ruined by long military service and by taxation.   [Please select]


Perhaps he would fall back on graduated taxation and inheritance taxes.   [Please select]

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taxable - taxation - taxations