Sentence example with the word 'teats'


Last update: September 10, 2015


Marsupials may be defined as viviparous (that is non-egglaying) mammals, in which the young are born in an imperfect condition, and almost immediately attached to the teats of the mammary glands; the latter being generally enclosed in a pouch, and the front edge of the pelvis being always furnished with epipubic or "marsupial" bones.   [Please select]


At the same time, the swollen and painful teats must be frequently fomented with warm water.   [Please select]


Extraordinary fecundity is not however, desirable, for nourishment cannot be afforded to more than twelve, the sow's number of teats.   [Please select]


The bag and teats should be well cleansed with warm soft water, if to be followed by any ointment.   [Please select]


Extra teats, indicative of good milking qualities, but should never be milked, as they draw the bag out of shape.   [Please select]


(The female differs from other quadrupeds in the position of her teats, which are situated upon the breast between the fore legs.)   [Please select]


This last is the usual form of inflammation occurring from infection entering by the teats.   [Please select]


Antiseptic injections of the teats and udder are often useful, and iodoform in water has been especially recommended.   [Please select]


In purchasing new cows see that they come from a herd where the teats and udder are sound.   [Please select]


Used on the outside of the other teats, however, they may serve to prevent them from becoming infected.   [Please select]


The female, doubtless, breeds her young at her teats, for I have seen them stuck fast thereto when they have been no bigger than a small raspberry, and seemingly inanimate.   [Please select]

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teatime - teats - teazle