Sentence example with the word 'theistic'


adoring, believing, devoted, eudaemonistic, humanist, metaphysical, pantheistic, positivistic, realistic, solemn, venerational

Definition adj. of or relating to theism

Last update: August 28, 2015


His Recherche de la verite, in 1674, was the baptism of the system into a theistic religion which borrowed its imagery from Augustine; it brought into prominence the metaphysical base which Louis Delaforge, Jacques Rohault and Regis had neither cared for nor understood.   [Please select]


Between them, God says 'one,' the world says 'two,' and man says 'three,'--that is the orthodox theistic view.   [Please select]


The argument for a theistic Idealism is powerfully stated (though it is not easy reading) in the late Prof.   [Please select]


Flint's _Theism_ may be recommended as one of the best attempts to state the theistic case with a minimum of technical Metaphysic.   [Please select]


On a non-theistic view of the Universe, then, the moral law cannot well be thought of as having any actual existence.   [Please select]


This is the 'greatest wave' of all in the theistic {84} argument.   [Please select]

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