Sentence example with the word 'timberland'


afforestation, bushveld, dendrology, forestry, hanger, national forest, pine barrens, reforestation, shrubland, state forest, weald, woods

Definition n. land that is covered with trees and shrubs

Last update: August 14, 2015


Snelland, Timberland, Lound; -how (O.N.   [Please select]


Between those two places is a stretch of timberland that doesn't seem to be used by anybody in particular.   [Please select]


Anyone may personally witness this wanton waste if so inclined: Take a ride on the railroad between Portland, Oregon, and Tacoma, Washington, and note the conditions _en route_; or glance out of the car window as you ride through the timberland district in the Southern states--Alabama, Georgia, etc.   [Please select]


, is now transferred to the few other timberland States, and the natives of to-day, the early day of plenty, are just like the old conceited Michiganders--they foolishly imagine the financial success of their territory is due to so-called personal energy, pride, enterprise, progress, etc.   [Please select]

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timbering - timberland - timberline