Sentence example with the word 'toadstools'


Last update: July 18, 2015


In these sporophores (such as the well-known toadstools and mushrooms where the ordinary vegetative mycelium is underground) we have structures specially developed for bearing the basidiospores and protecting them from rain, &c., and for the distribution of the spores - see earlier part of article on distribution of spores (figs.   [Please select]


In the chrysalis there are curious hair-like projections on the skin, which are short and shaped like tiny toadstools or mushrooms.   [Please select]


Now toadstools, as you all know, are not very well fastened at the roots, and this one was no different from the rest.   [Please select]


But to this day you can see the staircase of toadstools on the tree trunks where the Brownie went up.   [Please select]


[452-7] Because mushrooms and toadstools spring up so quickly in the night, they were supposed to be the work of fairies.   [Please select]


=Toadstools= Unless you are an expert in distinguishing non-poisonous mushrooms from the poison toadstool, _leave them all alone_.   [Please select]


Many deaths occur yearly from eating toadstools which have been mistaken for the edible mushrooms.   [Please select]

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toadstool - toadstools - toady