Sentence example with the word 'tormenters'


Last update: September 24, 2015


"Run for the river!" shouted the Wizard, and Jim quickly freed himself from his unseen tormenters by a few vicious kicks and then obeyed.   [Please select]


After discomfiting her tormenters, or wounding and scattering them, she would return to my side.   [Please select]


Chief among his tormenters was Sam Morrison, or "Fatty" Morrison, as he was colloquially designated.   [Please select]


She sank down dead, and as she did so, to my terror and dismay, Mahomed, by a superhuman effort, burst from his tormenters, and, springing high into the air, fell dying upon her corpse.   [Please select]


The only virtue the black-fly seems to have is its habit of quitting operations at sundown and leaving to other tormenters the task of keeping you awake at night.   [Please select]

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tormenter - tormenters - tormenting