Sentence example with the word 'tranquillize'


Definition v. make calm or still

Last update: August 14, 2015


The elephant was tranquillized by a dose of medicine.   [Please select]


On the 24th of October of that year he concluded a preliminary convention by which an Ottoman and a British high commissioner, acting in concert with the khedive, should reorganize the Egyptian army, tranquillize the Sudan by pacific means, and consider what changes might be necessary in the civil administration.   [Please select]


The thought which tranquillized Rostopchin was not a new one.   [Please select]


"Luther aroused; Calvin tranquillized," The one stormed the great citadel of error, the other furnished the weapons for holding it after it was taken.   [Please select]


ยง 4 Political life in Italy was not so much tranquillized as stunned by the massacres and confiscations of Marius and Sulla.   [Please select]


Mamma endeavoured to soothe her boy with cries of 'Tranquillize yourself, my cherished son.'   [Please select]


It will tranquillize her to feel how completely she possessed his heart--poor fellow.   [Please select]


They hung on her, fascinated, curiously tranquillized, as if they drank from her youth.   [Please select]

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tranquillity - tranquillize - tranquillized