Sentence example with the word 'turpentine'


chromogen, coating, color gelatin, dead-color, dye, flat coat, ground, opaque color, prime coat, stain, tinction, turps, vehicle

Definition n. obtained from conifers

Last update: August 1, 2015


Mix turpentine in the paint.   [Please select]


Portions most liable to destruction, those parts between the tide marks, were found perfectly sound, and showed no signs of the ravages of marine organisms. Other valuable timber trees of the eastern portion of the continent are the blackbutt, tallow-wood, spotted gum, red gum, mahogany, and blue gum, eucalyptus; and the turpentine (Syncarpialaurifolia), which has proved to be more resistant to the attacks of teredo than any other timber and is largely used in wharf construction in infested waters.   [Please select]


Came from the turpentine probably in the paint.   [Please select]


The fourth condition is that a suitable lubricant be used; a strong solution of camphor in oil of turpentine is perhaps the most suitable.   [Please select]


The odor of varnish and turpentine had brought back some old memories--as perfumes do for us all.   [Please select]


When he got home he found a can of turpentine which had been left by the painter.   [Please select]


Turpentine will soften varnish or paint and make it thin, just as water will make paste soft.   [Please select]


"But the floor is spoiled--or that part is where you poured the turpentine," said Mrs.   [Please select]

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turnup - turpentine - turpentined