Sentence example with the word 'unawed'


aweless, cool, inexcitable, unappalled, unbewildered, uncowed, undazed, undumbfounded, unintimidated, unshrinking, wonderless

Definition adj. not awed

Last update: July 15, 2015


But at front and rear, unawed and indomitable, toiled the two men who were not yet dead.   [Please select]


Through flame and smoke that dauntless heart Responded firmly still, Unawed, though face to face with death, "With God's good help I will."   [Please select]


Only the eagles' nests upon the fierce dizzy pinnacles in the Yosemite surpass the home of the fish-hawk in unawed boldness.   [Please select]


I have met many who have returned from the Front, and what puzzles me in all of them is their unawed acceptance of death.   [Please select]


The stately Eastern captive moves unawed through the assembly, till he makes a subject's salutation to the Emperor-judge who is to hear him.   [Please select]

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unawares - unawed - unbacked