Sentence example with the word 'undergoes'


Last update: June 22, 2015


On heating with water it undergoes hydrolysis into urea and allanturic acid C 3 H 4 O 3 N 2.   [Please select]


The heart, that obscure, celestial flower, undergoes a mysterious blossoming.   [Please select]


In different parts of the country, and at different seasons of the year, the plumage of some birds undergoes many changes.   [Please select]


By further digestion with the acid, the hydrocellulose, as it is called, undergoes molecular change, and is converted into dextrine.   [Please select]


These _vibriones_ are probably members of the vegetable world, and they always appear when animal matter undergoes putrefaction.   [Please select]


The male annually undergoes a moult, or change of feathers, similar to that described as taking place in the Mallard.   [Please select]


Bowman, the wool fibre really undergoes a slight chemical change at this temperature, which becomes more obvious at 230° F.   [Please select]


This freestone factory causes me no astonishment: when the manufacturer undergoes his change, it serves for various chemical works.   [Please select]


An animal diet would be preferable: it is easier to digest and undergoes chemical changes in a shorter time.   [Please select]


Carthage is destroyed, Greece gives up her arms, Macedonia loses her liberty, that of Spain perishes at Numantia, and shortly afterwards Pergamus undergoes the same fate.   [Please select]


But in spring their behaviour undergoes a remarkable transformation; they avoid one another and become quarrelsome, so much so that whereas the outstanding feature of the winter is sociability, that of the spring is hostility.   [Please select]

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undergo - undergoes - undergoing