Sentence example with the word 'unsweetened'


Last update: July 9, 2015


I don't like unsweetened orange juice.   [Please select]


They want a lesson in this neighbourhood," muttered Carne, who was shivering, and hungry, and unsweetened."   [Please select]


One can of condensed milk, unsweetened, to be diluted with water according to directions on can.   [Please select]


Either unsweetened condensed milk or milk powder can take the place of fresh milk.   [Please select]


Manfully they assailed the rubbery jerked beef, black beans, rice, farinha, and thick, black, unsweetened coffee which comprised the meal.   [Please select]


CANNED GOODS Corn; Sliced peaches; Tomatoes; Shredded pineapple; Peas; Strawberries; Lima beans; Clams (for chowder); Beets; Condensed milk (unsweetened); Apples; Salmon; Plums; The Steward A reliable person should be in charge of the food supplies.   [Please select]


To make the batter, beat 1 egg and add 1-1/2 cups of milk, or 1 cup of milk and 1/2 cup of water; unsweetened condensed milk diluted according to directions on can may be used.   [Please select]

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unswayed - unsweetened - unswept