Sentence example with the word 'veneering'


Definition n. coating consisting of a thin layer of superior wood glued to a base of inferior wood

Last update: June 15, 2015


The monotony and lifelessness of this form of architecture are shown in the meaningless way in which details, suited only to the Venetian methods of veneering walls with thin marble slabs, are copied in the solid marbles of Verona.   [Please select]


, Secondary Products -- #Uses of Glue:# Selection and Preparation for Use, Carpentry, Veneering, Paper-Making, Bookbinding, Printing Rollers, Hectographs, Match Manufacture, Sandpaper, etc.   [Please select]


, =Uses of Glue=: Selection and Preparation for Use, Carpentry, Veneering, Paper-Making, Bookbinding, Printing Rollers, Hectographs, Match Manufacture, Sandpaper, etc.   [Please select]


Veneering was known to these workmen, probably arising from the scarcity of wood.   [Please select]


To dream that you are veneering, denotes that you will systematically deceive your friends, your speculations will be of a misleading nature.   [Please select]


The moment that Alice saw him wearing that shallow veneering of pleasantness on his never prepossessing visage, she felt a mood of perversity come over her.   [Please select]


But political and social equality sprang from the very conditions of life in the New World; and despite the veneering of royalty, Maryland came soon to be a government of the people.   [Please select]

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