Sentence example with the word 'vexatiously'


Definition adv. in a vexatious manner

Last update: October 6, 2015


Yet the number of peasant-proprietors had diminished, while the obligations of the peasantry generally had increased; and, still worse, their obligations were vexatiously indefinite, varying from year to year and even from month to month.   [Please select]


That portion was vexatiously hidden by an intervening clump of bushes.   [Please select]


"Existence in itself is vexatiously wearisome at times--at least to feeble persons, like myself."   [Please select]


She was, this morning, vexatiously conscious of a warmer hue in the back pleats than in the front breadth of her mauve, cashmere dress, sparsely decorated with bows of but indifferently white ribbon.   [Please select]


Soon as seeing him, they upon the ridge recognise the man thus vexatiously engaged.   [Please select]

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vexatious - vexatiously - vexed