Sentence example with the word 'vividness'


Definition n. interest and variety and intensity

Last update: November 1, 2015


For power and range of imagination, for freshness and vividness of conception, for truth and originality of presentation, few Roman poets can compare with him when he is at his best.   [Please select]


There is a natural rhythm of vividness.   [Please select]


This requires only a small vocabulary and a rough feeling for simple rhythm, but an intensity of emotion and a great vividness of image.   [Please select]


They make a total impression, and with a vigor and vividness that belong to few constructed pictures.   [Please select]


Shakespeare put no construction upon life, and by virtue of this very reserve accomplished an art of surpassing fidelity and vividness.   [Please select]


The extraordinary feature of such belief is the disproportion between its vividness and the direct evidence for it.   [Please select]


It is in the vividness of the sense of this presence that the acuteness of religion consists.   [Please select]


It is the tendency of one note to progress to another which is the basis of the vividness of our experience.   [Please select]


A little description of the witch, giant, fairy, or castle may give vividness to your story.   [Please select]


The words seemed to come of themselves from my pen and line themselves up triumphantly into scenes of amazing vividness.   [Please select]


He undertook to forget the water, and at times he succeeded, but, despite his greatest efforts, the Teotihuacan would come back now and then with the most astonishing vividness.   [Please select]

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vividly - vividness - vivific