Sentence example with the word 'weighting'


Definition n. (statistics) a coefficient assigned to elements of a frequency distribution in order to represent their relative importance

Last update: October 29, 2015


With portable cranes means must be provided to ensure the requisite stability against overturning; this is done by weighting the tail of the revolving part with heavy weights, and in steam cranes the FIG.   [Please select]


"Even now, as I am writing here in the studio, the burden lies heavily upon your girl's shoulders and is weighting your girl's heart."   [Please select]


** Weighting Indian Clubs [318] An ordinary Indian club can be fixed so that different weights may be had [Illustration: Indian Club] without changing clubs.   [Please select]


Oh, the muskets, heavy, dull, ungleaming, weighting the fiercely aching shoulders.   [Please select]


Here they dismounted, and between them unfurled a large map, weighting its corners with pine cones.   [Please select]


A listless contentment lay warm upon her, weighting the heavy white lids.   [Please select]


Some of the sailmaker's mates had been busy during the afternoon, sewing up the dead in new, clean hammocks, and weighting each one with heavy shot at the feet to draw it down.   [Please select]


Fortunately, the tarpaulin and heavy sails with which he had covered his heap of stores high up the beach, weighting them down afterward with huge stones, had held.   [Please select]

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weightiness - weighting - weightless