Sentence example with the word 'windfalls'


Last update: August 1, 2015


This royal renown sometimes drew down upon him singular windfalls.   [Please select]


The hens and turkeys prowled about, pecking at windfalls, and Pat made mad rushes at them amid the fallen leaves.   [Please select]


Windfalls of enormous spruce trees, with a thickness twice the height of a man, lay on a steep declivity of sliding rock.   [Please select]


Everywhere were windfalls that had to be avoided, and not a rod was there without a fallen tree.   [Please select]


The great windfalls, where trees were jammed together in dozens, showed the savagery of the storms.   [Please select]


Unfortunately, such windfalls do not often find their way into my sweeping-net.   [Please select]


She had some difficult rocky points to cross, then windfalls to round, and at length reached the covert she desired.   [Please select]


Are any of the windfalls in the orchard wormy and if so what proportion.   [Please select]


The windfalls grew less frequent, mining became a costly and scientific process, and agriculture succeeded it.   [Please select]


Possessing more windfalls than they know what to do with, all picked up in their immediate neighbourhood, my Lycosae have built themselves donjon-keeps the like of which their race has not yet known.   [Please select]


The rest was a plain trail of crushed moss and bent grass and stained leaves, and a tuft of soft hair here and there on the jagged ends of knots in the old windfalls.   [Please select]

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windfall - windfalls - windflower