Sentence example with the word 'youngness'


Definition n. the opposite of oldness

Last update: July 1, 2015


There was a friendly nearness of her fresh white ruffles, and a thrilling fragrance and sweetness and youngness about her this afternoon that was new.   [Please select]


So immature in wisdom, so top-heavy with dangerous knowledge that their youngness in wisdom makes them use wrongly.   [Please select]


"He'll mend of his youngness with time," said Martha; "and as for smallness, I don't think you'd fancy carrying of him any more, however big he was."'   [Please select]


Besides its formal construction and its rhyme, this passage is overmuch afflicted with youngness to be accepted as the product of any other than Shakespeare's very earliest period.   [Please select]

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younglings - youngness - youngs