Sentence example with the word 'provocative'


acceptable, cajoling, disturbing, exotic, hypnotic, irritating, outrageous, readable, stimulant, thought-inspiring, winning

Last update: October 9, 2015


Sudhir purposely made provocative comments to arouse Hari's temper.   [Please select]


When the editor read the provocative article which urged people to destroy government buildings, he insisted the writer redo the entire piece.   [Please select]


The purpose of the con artist’s provocative speech is to inspire us to give him our life savings.   [Please select]


Shortly afterwards Magyar resentment of an army order issued from the cavalry manoeuvres at Chlopy in Galicia - in which the monarch declared that he would " hold fast to the existing and well-tried organization of the army " and would never " relinquish the rights and privileges guaranteed to its highest war-lord "; and of a provocative utterance of the Austrian premier Korber in the Reichsrath led to the overthrow of the Khuen-Hedervary cabinet (September 30) by an immense majority.   [Please select]


One tries to fathom certain faces that show up in provocative relief among this menagerie of shadows, this aviary of reflections.   [Please select]


I saw young Steiner standin' listenin' above me, an', man, he used language provocative of a breach o' the peace.   [Please select]


49, 79, 80, 81, 101, 110; emancipation viewed as provocative of, 49, 81, 86, 98, 101, 114; as an argument for intervention, 98, 101, 103 _note_[6]; use of as a threat, 18-19, 83, 94, 95, 97, 98, 100, 114 Seward, W.   [Please select]


Clair's answer, given in a perfectly respectful voice but nevertheless provocative of great mirth among his mates.   [Please select]


Few things are more provocative; and Colonel Bishop's temper was never one that required much provocation.   [Please select]


This last provocative thought aroused the danger-defying little devil within her.   [Please select]


That's the vital issue at stake and it's feasible and would be provocative of friendlier intercourse between man and man.   [Please select]

Do you have a better example in your mind? Please submit your sentence!

prodigal - provocative - quixotic