Sentence example with the word 'aberrations'


Last update: July 27, 2015


Once grant the above definition of disease, and even the most trivial aberrations from the normal must be regarded as diseased conditions, quite irrespective of whether, when structural, they interfere with the function of the part or not.   [Please select]


It is not known that his aberrations are ever shown apart from his drinking.   [Please select]


The insect then sometimes becomes depraved; and its disordered mechanism ends in aberrations.   [Please select]


Common sense should be considered before the aberrations of nomenclature.   [Please select]


I commend these aberrations to the staunch supporters of reasoning-powers in the animal.   [Please select]


The pious fiction by which the king was always spoken of as good, and his aberrations were ascribed to defective knowledge or to bad advice, had taken some real hold on the popular imagination.   [Please select]


Then, again, we must be aware of the tendency which nature, in numerous instances, displays to perpetuate diseases, dispositions, and aberrations from the normal structure.   [Please select]

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aberrational - aberrations - abets