Sentence example with the word 'abstention'


abstainment, avoidance, cop-out, fast, impartiality, neutralism, noninvolvement, obsolescence, plain living, simple diet, the pledge

Definition n. the trait of abstaining

Last update: July 7, 2015


Reverting to the origin and the meaning of the feast, modern criticism draws attention to the different nature of the two observances combined with the name Passover, the pastoral sacrifice of the paschal lamb and the agricultural observance of a seven days' abstention from unleavened bread.   [Please select]


He believed that she had a very sweet reason behind her abstention.   [Please select]


Her abstention from lunch now seemed to her almost pitiful.   [Please select]


The effect of the abstention policy upon the personnel of the conventions was unfortunate.   [Please select]


He was proud, too, of the comradeship of abstention that it gave him with Stonewall Jackson.   [Please select]


It is clear that abstention from violence and persistence in the programme are our only and surest chance of attaining our end.   [Please select]


I am endeavouring to show to my countrymen that violent non-co-operation only multiplies evil and that as evil can only be sustained by violence, withdrawal of support of evil requires complete abstention from violence.   [Please select]

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abstemiousness - abstention - abstentions