Sentence example with the word 'absurdest'


Last update: July 9, 2015


He made a good defence, but on the absurdest of evidence the jury convicted him of treason, and on the 1st of July he was hanged, drawn and quartered at Tyburn.   [Please select]


"It strikes me as the absurdest notion that the Englishman can't see a joke."   [Please select]


His occupation would have seemed to her only a little while ago the absurdest imaginable.   [Please select]


Yet persons often divorced for the absurdest reasons; perhaps it had only been a misunderstanding.   [Please select]


As for Captain van Adrienssen, the veins of his neck were so swollen with passion that his wig curled up at the edge and stood out straight behind him in the absurdest fashion.   [Please select]


This tissue of evidence was perhaps the absurdest ever used against even a witch, but the jury brought in a verdict of guilty.   [Please select]

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absurder - absurdest - absurdities