Sentence example with the word 'acuter'


Last update: August 23, 2015


" The Bible, the Bible alone, is the religion of Protestants " 2 did really express the watchword of the anti-Romanist parties, especially towards the close of the acuter struggle.   [Please select]


I hope that his feelings would take no acuter form.   [Please select]


And under her sense of the collective indifference came the acuter pang of hopes deceived.   [Please select]


Stories such as theirs--sad experiences extending through a lapse of years, sufferings of body, acuter sufferings of mind--are usually long in the telling, the incidents seldom following each other in threaded connection.   [Please select]


It is remarkable that Adam Smith[33] argues that, although the capitalist is acuter that the country-gentleman, his acuteness is chiefly displayed by knowing his own interests better.   [Please select]

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acuteness - acuter - acutest