Sentence example with the word 'adequacy'


Definition n. the quality of being able to meet a need satisfactorily:

Last update: September 29, 2015


The adequacy of our emergency supplies is being questioned.   [Please select]


Not only does eternity assert the conception of the hour but the hour asserts the conception of eternity - with what adequacy is another question.   [Please select]


But he could not but have some doubts as to the adequacy of his concealment.   [Please select]


Simple ideas are best off, according to Locke, in regard both to reality and to adequacy.   [Please select]


] [28] The psychology books have of late described the facts here with approximate adequacy.   [Please select]


Finally, on the question of adequacy of machines, it must be pointed out that an insufficient number of machines must result in a poor product, since all rolls have to be used for all grades.   [Please select]


] ADEQUACY OF EXISTING DATA In the Background and Possible Cause and Effect sections it was stated that insufficient data exist to indicate cause and effect relationships.   [Please select]

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