Sentence example with the word 'adumbration'


Definition n. the act of providing vague advance indications

Last update: September 10, 2015


With this may be compared a passage in the Ursprung der Sprache, where there is a curious adumbration of Spencer's idea that intelligence, as distinguished from instinct, arises from a growing complexity of action, or, to use Herder's words, from the substitution of a more for a less contracted sphere.   [Please select]


He would present no human adumbration of goodness, but Christ Himself.   [Please select]


Barbara says that this figurative, allusive adumbration of Jaffery's love affair is pure nonsense.   [Please select]


There are critical moments when rules fail, when, in fact, obedience to rule would mean disobedience to that higher law, of which rules and formulae are at best only an adumbration.   [Please select]


It was conceivable that Thatcher saw in the position of the map an adumbration of Bassett's higher political ambition, and that this had affected the capitalist unpleasantly.   [Please select]

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adumbrates - adumbration - adumbrations