Sentence example with the word 'aestheticism'


Last update: July 19, 2015


But Corinne is still a very remarkable exposition of a certain kind of aestheticism, while De l'Allemagne is still perhaps the most remarkable account of one country, by a native and inhabitant of another, which exists in literature.   [Please select]


He existed on earth before colour came in; and colour is old, although not so old as Nature's unconscious aestheticism which, in the organic world, is first expressed in beauty of form.   [Please select]


This afforded him the opportunity, on the plea of lofty aestheticism, of sending out cards of invitation and asking light women to his studio.   [Please select]


These songs have nothing of the excessive formalism and aestheticism of the Chinese, but give expression to simple emotions in unpolished language with a direct appeal.   [Please select]

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aestheticians - aestheticism - aesthetics