Sentence example with the word 'affrights'


Last update: July 9, 2015


And thus, though surrounded by circle upon circle of consternations and affrights, did these inscrutable creatures at the centre freely and fearlessly indulge in all peaceful concernments; yea, serenely revelled in dalliance and delight.   [Please select]


'Lar'ums (an abbreviation of alarums, for alarms), affrights, terrifies.   [Please select]


Nothing affrights me so much as the reasonable, practical child who believes in nothing that he cannot touch.   [Please select]


From these principles we may account for a phaenomenon in the passions, which at first sight seems very extraordinary, viz, that surprize is apt to change into fear, and every thing that is unexpected affrights us.   [Please select]

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affrighting - affrights - affront