Sentence example with the word 'agglutination'


accession, aggregation, clotting, compaction, congealment, convergence, intercommunication, liaison, reinforcement, superposition, yoking

Definition n. a clumping of bacteria or red cells when held together by antibodies

Last update: July 23, 2015


By means of agglutination, that is, by adding to the bases form-words as prefixes, suffixes or infixes, the Tibetan language has developed a considerable grammatical system and is now agglutinating rather than isolating.   [Please select]


For this purpose the agglutination and also the complement-fixation tests are being used with splendid results, and by the aid of these biological tests it is possible to determine all infected animals in a herd.   [Please select]


To cite only one of these, there is Widal's agglutination test, by which the bacteriologist can usually make a diagnosis of typhoid fever far in advance of the time at which it could otherwise be distinguished.   [Please select]

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