Sentence example with the word 'agrarianism'


Last update: June 20, 2015


The cruelty has not quite died out, but it is much rarer than formerly; and, generally speaking, the worst agrarianism has of late years been seen in the districts which retain most of the old features.   [Please select]


But the facts disclosed do not sustain his theory that the issue was essentially a conflict between capitalism and agrarianism.   [Please select]


That the tide of agrarianism was gradually flowing westward as the frontier advanced is apparent from the election returns in the States bordering on the upper Mississippi.   [Please select]


Churchmen and dissenters were at war with each other; autocracy was struggling to survive the representative system; and agrarianism was contending with a newly created capitalism for economic supremacy.   [Please select]

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agrarian - agrarianism - agrarians