Sentence example with the word 'allurements'


Last update: August 7, 2015


These were at first purely symbolical, meaningless to any but a Christian eye, such as the Vine, the Good Shepherd, the Sheep, the Fisherman, the Fish, &c. Even the personages of ancient mythology were pressed into the service of early Christian art, and Orpheus, taming the wild beasts with his lyre, symbolized the peaceful sway of Christ; and Ulysses, deaf to the Siren's song, represented the Believer triumphing over the allurements of sensual pleasure.   [Please select]


Banishing these allurements results in the concentration so essential for successfully handling business problems.   [Please select]


They were still talking of the dinner and the allurements of city life when Mrs.   [Please select]


Surely for her gentle nature a crown held few allurements.   [Please select]


To-day, doubtless, he is practicing the allurements of the mating season.   [Please select]


Without such allurements, Shakespear could not have lived by his plays.   [Please select]


It requires a strong mind to withstand the allurements and temptations of prosperity, and Jonas is far from possessing a strong mind.   [Please select]


But, like too many boys, he suffered himself to be led from the sure path by the allurements of the false one.   [Please select]

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allurement - allurements - allures