Sentence example with the word 'amplest'


Last update: October 17, 2015


12 a tant points he anticipates the utilitarianism afterwards systematized by Paley, who expresses in the amplest terms his obligations to his predecessor.   [Please select]


He had done more than any man had done for Bacon, generously and nobly, and Bacon had acknowledged it in the amplest terms.   [Please select]


There is not an inflection, however delicate, not an emphasis, however slight, however strong, that does not here meet with something fitted well for its amplest illustration.   [Please select]


I saw the wide and ghastly rents Where demon claws had torn them; A hole was in their amplest part, As if an imp had worn them.   [Please select]


The scholar and the artist, the antiquarian and the historian, the architect and the lover of natural scenery, alike find here the amplest gratification of their tastes.   [Please select]


Bartholomew; an atrocity which the very amplest and bloodiest vengeance would still come far short of expiating.   [Please select]


And I assure them that I shall make the amplest amends if I find that I have erred in my eagerness about the Khilafat and the Punjab wrongs.   [Please select]


If five or ten separate topics have equal claim upon our interest and attention, we shall do to each the amplest justice, if we make each in its turn the central subject of our reading.   [Please select]


Steadfast and still, nor paid with mortal praise, But finding amplest recompense For life's ungarlanded expense In work done squarely and unwasted days.   [Please select]

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ampler - amplest - amplexus