Sentence example with the word 'anemometer'


accelerometer, anemometrograph, cock, harpoon log, log line, speedometer, taffrail log, weather vane, wind cone, wind indicator, wind vane

Definition n. a gauge for recording the speed and direction of wind

Last update: October 25, 2016


Hooke has been generally regarded as the first inventor of an anemometer, in 1662.   [Please select]


Wren also had an anemometer, but we have no description of it.   [Please select]


Robinson published a number of papers in scientific journals, and the Armagh catalogue of stars (Places of 5345 Stars observed from 1828 to 1854 at the Armagh Observatory, Dublin, 1859), but he is best known as the inventor (1846) of the cup-anemometer for registering the velocity of the wind.   [Please select]


5) deserves to be called the first successful self-registering meteorological instrument; it was standard equipment in British observatories until the latter part of the 19th century when it was replaced by the cup-anemometer of Robinson.   [Please select]


[17] The Osler anemometer and most of the other self-registering instruments mentioned in this paper are described and illustrated in C.   [Please select]

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