Sentence example with the word 'animadversions'


Last update: October 12, 2015


Blanchard's animadversions on the employment of external characters, and on trusting to observations on the habits of birds, called forth a rejoinder from A.   [Please select]


The answer to futile animadversions was in my particular friend's query: "Well, what are you going to do about it."   [Please select]


Particular errors may be corrected by particular animadversions, and the causes of these errors may be eradicated by criticism.   [Please select]


As the years passed, and the royal mourning remained as unrelieved as ever, the animadversions grew more general and more severe.   [Please select]


With practical legislators such animadversions are frequently not lacking in force, for nothing more incurs their contempt than a measure which has not what they call a _practical object_, by which they mean a _moneyed object_.   [Please select]


A sky-blue coat, with short and broad skirts and low cape, exposed a long, thin neck, and longer and thinner legs, to the worst animadversions of the evil-disposed.   [Please select]

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animadversion - animadversions - animadvert