Sentence example with the word 'antecedently'


Definition adv. at an earlier time or formerly

Last update: September 30, 2015


But from this perfectly correct observation a conclusion which is by no means warranted was drawn, namely, that the chick as a whole really exists in the egg antecedently to incubation; and that what happens in the course of the latter process is no addition of new parts, " alias post alias natas," as Harvey puts it, but a simple expansion or unfolding of the organs which already exist, though they are too small and inconspicuous to be discovered.   [Please select]


And one would suppose, antecedently, that you'd know them all.   [Please select]


Many of his stories of the intelligence of birds and beasts are antecedently improbable.   [Please select]


Both proceedings I think are very unusual, but neither is antecedently improbable.   [Please select]


Besides, not being founded on experience, they are not presented with any object in a priori intuition upon which, antecedently to experience, they might base their synthesis.   [Please select]


That is to say, the parts of the progression exist only in time, and by means of the synthesis thereof, and are not given antecedently to it.   [Please select]

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