Sentence example with the word 'antithetic'


Definition adj. sharply contrasted in character or purpose

Last update: July 1, 2015


If we try to know the real world, we find ourselves distracted by opposite arguments (" ` Antithetic of Pure Reason "), plausible and resistless in attack, helpless in defence.   [Please select]


In accordance with the prevalent antithetic view of the alternation of generations in these plants (see PLANTS, REPRODUCTION or), the forms distinguished as sporophyte and gametophyte are not homogenetic; consequently their leaves are not homologous, but are only functionally similar (homoplastic; see infra).   [Please select]


If we try to know the real world, we find ourselves distracted by opposite arguments (" ` Antithetic of Pure Reason "), plausible and resistless in attack, helpless in defence.   [Please select]


In the following examples, the relative emphasis is applied to three sets of antithetic words.   [Please select]


Transcendental antithetic is an investigation into the antinomy of pure reason, its causes and result.   [Please select]


From this point of view, there is properly no antithetic of pure reason.   [Please select]


Again antithetic to the perfect word 'Home' in the line before.   [Please select]


For here a new phenomenon of human reason meets us--a perfectly natural antithetic, which does not require to be sought for by subtle sophistry, but into which reason of itself unavoidably falls.   [Please select]


By antithetic I do not understand dogmatical assertions of the opposite, but the self-contradiction of seemingly dogmatical cognitions (thesis cum antithesis), in none of which we can discover any decided superiority.   [Please select]

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antithesis - antithetic - antithetical