Sentence example with the word 'anvil'


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Definition n. a heavy block of iron or steel on which hot metals are shaped by hammering

Last update: June 12, 2015


An anvil is an iron block on which a blacksmith puts hot pieces of metal before.   [noun]


THE BLACKSMITH In popular folklore, the village blacksmith and the blacksmith 's anvil have become the enduring symbols of Gretna Green weddings.   [noun]


Sigurd tested the strength of the blade by striking the anvil on which it was forged and split it down to the stock.   [noun]


The hammer and the anvil, without the blacksmith and the iron, do not forge.   [noun]


On the contrary, hammer clashed and anvil rang, the bellows groaned, and the whole apparatus of Vulcan appeared to be in full activity.   [noun]


So the carpenter encouraged the goldsmith, and he that smootheth with the hammer him that smote the anvil.   [noun]


When quite dry guncotton is easily detonated by a blow on an anvil or hard surface.   [Please select]


It is only slightly decomposed by strong percussion on an anvil.   [Please select]


Through the middle of this anvil a beautiful sword was sticking, with the point projecting beyond.   [Please select]


Near the scales was an anvil, and leaning against the anvil-block was a heavy sledge.   [Please select]


Never use the ways of a lathe for an anvil or storage platform.   [Please select]

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