Sentence example with the word 'appurtenances'


accessories, appendages, belongings, choses local, equipage, fittings, gear, machinery, munition, perquisites, rig, things

Last update: September 28, 2016


At the end of the period of the concession the department comes into possession of the road and all its fixed appurtenances, and in the last five years of the period the department has the right to enter into possession of the line, and apply the revenue to putting it into a thorough state of repair.   [Please select]


Beatrice had examined the appurtenances of the great room with a touch of nonchalance.   [Please select]


Next she brought the appurtenances one by one, the butter, coffee, and so on.   [Please select]


Kern lay alone with her geraniums, awning, whirring fan, and other ladylike appurtenances.   [Please select]


Satin bands and bows have no more place on a lady's table than have chop-house appurtenances.   [Please select]


The houses and all their appurtenances were sacred: a well was not more so.   [Please select]


Operations, ills or personal blemishes, details and appurtenances of the dressing-room, for instance, are neither suitable nor pleasant topics, nor are personal jokes in good taste.   [Please select]


All the necessary appurtenances such as awning, red carpet, coat hanging racks, ballroom chairs, as well as crockery, glass, napkins, waiters and food are supplied by hotels or caterers.   [Please select]

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