Sentence example with the word 'archaism'


Pre- ancient manuscript, antiquity, artifact, eolith, mezzolith, obsolete, petrification, petroglyph, reliquiae, ruins

Definition n. the use of an archaic expression

Last update: June 8, 2015


This word is chiefly used alone as an archaism or in poetry or poetical language, but is more common in combination, as in "yule-tide," "yulelog," &c. The Old English word appears in various forms, e.g.   [noun]


Aetate fertili finita), where the contrast of the last with the other two forms shows that the -d was an archaism still occasionally used in writing.   [noun]


Archaism is very rare in poetry and art .   [noun]


She hits the happy mean between the studied archaism of Courier's Daphnis et Cloe and the realistic patois of the later kailyard novel which for Southerners requires a glossary.   [Please select]


There is no more of the archaism and absence of conventionality, which marks the art of the earliest dynasties.   [Please select]


We can trace by successive steps the swift development of Egyptian art from the rude archaism of the Ist Dynasty to its final consummation under the Vth, when the conventions became fixed.   [Please select]


The supposed originality of Hatshepsu's temple is then non-existent; it was a copy of the older design, in fact, a magnificent piece of archaism.   [Please select]


Everywhere we see this fashion of archaism.   [Please select]

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