Sentence example with the word 'argot'


babble, cipher, cryptogram, gibberish, glossolalia, jargon, lingo, noise, patter, scatology, secret language, taboo language, vocabulary

Definition n. a characteristic language of a particular group

Last update: July 7, 2015


The argot of the underworld is difficult to understand.   [noun]


In Paris argot the men of these six central brigades are nicknamed "vaisseaux" (vessels), because they carry on their collars the badge of the city of Paris - an ancient ship - while the sergeants in the town districts wear only numbers, their own individual number, and that of the quarter in which they serve.   [noun]


Argot, a cock's spur), which are violet-black or dark-purple externally, and whitish with a tinge of pink within, are between 3 and 12 in.   [noun]


] 38 (return) [ Argot of the barriers.   [noun]


] 37 (return) [ Argot of the Temple.   [noun]


Why, argot is horrible.   [noun]


For, it must be stated to those who are ignorant of the case, that argot is both a literary phenomenon and a social result.   [noun]


In Paris argot the men of these six central brigades are nicknamed "vaisseaux" (vessels), because they carry on their collars the badge of the city of Paris - an ancient ship - while the sergeants in the town districts wear only numbers, their own individual number, and that of the quarter in which they serve.   [Please select]


So I answered him in the mother argot at a venture, and he bit.   [Please select]


The female of his kind came with him--a pale girl, shoddy and a little rouged; and they communicated in a nasal argot, mainly insolences and elisions.   [Please select]


She had not lived in New York without hearing its argot, and she realised that the exclamation which had appeared delirium to Mrs.   [Please select]

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argosy - argot - argue