Sentence example with the word 'asceticism'


abstainment, avoidance, cold purgatorial fires, fasting, gymnosophy, mortification, penitential act, purgatory, sackcloth and ashes, teetotalism

Definition n. the doctrine that through renunciation of worldly pleasures it is possible to achieve a high spiritual or intellectual state

Last update: September 19, 2015


Certainly the asceticism and ritualism might so be interpreted, for there was among the Jews of the Dispersion an increasing tendency to asceticism, by way of protest against the excesses of the Gentiles.   [Please select]


"The country slipping back into its old ways--all the more eagerly for its moment of asceticism."   [Please select]


Religious asceticism goes back to a period that we cannot trace.   [Please select]


That is the true Christian asceticism, my son, and so it is with our vows.   [Please select]


The almost passionate asceticism of it was replaced by a soft and gentle look.   [Please select]


Oriental asceticism, Stoicism, Philo and other influences distorted Christ's meaning.   [Please select]


Renunciation does not mean asceticism, retirement from the world, a denial of life.   [Please select]

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