Sentence example with the word 'assets'


accounts, bottom dollar, checking account, expenditures, handsome fortune, life savings, money to burn, pecuniary resources, quick assets, six-figure income, unregistered bank account

Definition n. anything of material value or usefulness that is owned by a person or company

Last update: June 21, 2015


She knew very well she had some physical assets that drew men, even if her body wasn't ideal like Toni's.   [Please select]


Every distribution of assets repeats the conditions that have recurred since the Statute of Distributions.   [Please select]


” “That is quite true, but this account is among the assets of the estate.   [Please select]


My grandfather seems to have mislaid or lost most of his assets before he died.   [Please select]


, the first charge on these assets is the private claims of Allied against German nationals.   [Please select]


"I've been taking stock to-day," she went on, "and I put you among my assets."   [Please select]


In dismissing Marlborough, Great Britain had lost one of her chief assets.   [Please select]

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asset - assets - asseverate