Sentence example with the word 'asymmetry'


ambiguity, contortion, disequilibrium, gnarl, incoherence, inequality, knot, overbalance, shortcoming, unconformability, warp

Definition n. (mathematics) a lack of symmetry

Last update: September 2, 2015


In many owls the right and left ears are asymmetrical, and this asymmetry affects the whole of the temporal region, all the bones which surround the outer and middle ear, notably the squamosal and the quadrate, so that the skull becomes lopsided, one ear being turned obliquely down, the other upwards.   [Please select]


The asymmetry of the bones too is remarkable, although this is characteristic of all the catodon whales, especially as regards the bones of the anterior narial passages, the left of which is very much larger than the right.   [Please select]


Asymmetry: a state of unlikeness in lateral development; absence of symmetry in form or in the development of members.   [Please select]

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