Sentence example with the word 'athwartships'


Last update: June 9, 2015


C is compensated by permanent magnets athwartships and horizontal; D by masses of soft iron on both sides of the compass, and generally in the form of cast-iron spheres, with their centres in the same horizontal plane as the needles; E is usually too small to require correction; A is fortunately rarely of any value, as it cannot be corrected.   [Please select]


A puff of wind caught the sail and sent the boom athwartships, like a mighty flail.   [Please select]


Descending by the companion-way--which in the Young America extended athwartships--on the right, at the foot of the stairs, was the officers' cabin, occupying the part of the ship nearest to the stern.   [Please select]


There were seventy-two berths, placed in twelve rooms, opening from passage-ways, which extended athwartships from the main steerage, and were lighted by the bull's eyes.   [Please select]

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athwartship - athwartships - atilt